Pinworms: Intestinal Parasites

Posted by embrad | 3:34 PM | 0 comments »

Pinworms are also called seat worms, or threadworms (species Enterobius, or Oxyuris, vermicularis). They belong to the order Oxyurida (phylum Aschelminthes). Pinworms are common human intestinal parasites and are also found in other vertebrates. Male pinworms are about 2 to 5 mm (0.08 to 0.2 inches) long while the female ones range from 8 to 13 mm. Pinworms are basically small, white worms that live in the intestines. The name reminds us of the long tails of the worms which gives them a pin like appearance. Pinworm infections are quite common in young children and are easily treated.

Pinworms usually occur in the large intestine but sometimes are also found in the small intestine, the stomach, or farther up the gastrointestinal tract. After the male fertilizes the eggs, the female travels to the anus, deposits the eggs on the skin near the anal opening, and usually dies. Movement of the worm on the skin causes excessive itching. Eggs, transferred beneath the fingernails by scratching, are passed onto the mouth, from which the eggs or larvae make their way to the intestine. This life cycle usually requires about 15 to 43 days. Pinworms are quite easy to get. They usually spread from one child to another, and the eggs can be picked up by children's fingers whilst playing. Eggs can survive on a child's skin for several hours. They can easily survive for 2 weeks on clothes, bedding and toys. If the eggs are on the child's hands or toys, and he/she puts their fingers or toys in the mouth, the tiny eggs enter their bodies. The eggs continue to stay in the upper part of the intestine until they hatch. After they hatch, the worms move down the length of the intestine, and then finally out the anus where they lay eggs. An itchy bottom is a common sign of pinworm infection.

Most pinworm infections are however, mild and easily treated. Doctors may prescribe a single chewable tablet of a medicine called mebendazole. About two weeks later, a second tablet is taken. Another kind of medicine recommended by doctors is pyrantel. This is also taken in two doses about two weeks apart. Even if only one child in a family has pinworms, it is important that everyone in the household be treated with the pinworm medicine at the same time, even if they don't show any signs of pinworm infection. All the sheets, blankets, towels and clothing in the house should be washed in hot water, and everyone's fingernails (which might house the worm eggs) should be thoroughly cleaned and preferably cut short.

Worms provides detailed information on Worms, Dog Worms, Ring Worm, Tape Worms and more. Worms is affiliated with Insect Bites.

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