Did you know there are more than 100 different kinds of human intestinal parasites that are capable of surviving within the human body? As if that's not enough, these organisms are also present everywhere in the environment – air, water, ground, even the food that we eat. If you're having problems with human intestinal parasites, here are some things you should know about them:

There are different types of human intestinal parasites.
Human intestinal parasites belong to four main categories: Protozoa, Nematoda, Trematoda and Cestoda. To these categories belong about 3,200 different parasites, all capable of causing havoc in the human body.

You can get them.
Human intestinal parasites are so common they can actually invade our bodies at any time, through the water we drink and the food we eat. Sometimes, we get them through transmission – sexual intercourse, an insect bite, through inhalation or skin absorption.

You can be the ideal host.
If you don’t care for your health enough, your body can become the ideal environment for these intestinal parasites to live in.

If you have intestinal parasites, you'll usually have symptoms.
As small as they are, human intestinal parasites pack a wallop against human health. If left untreated, they could even have fatal results. They have been known to cause stomach upset, bloating and constipation.

They are also known to cause weight loss, fatigue, nervousness, skin rashes, rectal itching, vomiting, stomach pain and digestive disorders. Human intestinal parasites can also lead to bacterial infections and anemia, especially if intestinal hemorrhaging has occurred.

Getting rid of intestinal parasites in humans
If you have human intestinal parasites in your system, go to your doctor immediately. There are certain drugs that are designed to specifically work with certain parasites and your doctor has to know which intestinal parasite is causing your problems in order to get rid of it more effectively. For example, if you have roundworms, pinworms or hookworms, you could be treated with mebendazole. If you have giardiasis, metronidazole might be used instead. Get yourself diagnosed correctly for proper treatment.

Make sure to take the drug as prescribed. Depending on the severity of your case or on the intestinal parasite you have, you could be treated using a one-dose medication or a treatment that could last up to two or three weeks. Most drug treatments for human intestinal parasites are taken orally and are very effective.

Herbal remedies
There are all-natural herbal-based remedies that may be effective in getting rid of human intestinal parasites. While they can be effective in some cases, they usually take longer as a treatment option. Most experts say they are better as supplemental therapies. If you're using herbal remedies either to supplement vitamin and mineral loss, inform your doctor, especially if you're also taking anti-parasitic medications.

Keeping human intestinal parasites away
It's impossible to totally get rid of human intestinal parasites from your environment, but there are ways you can use to make sure you minimize your risk of ever encountering them again.

Keep healthy.
After a bout with human intestinal parasites, you might want to give your immune system a boost and replenish the nutrients that you lost. Eat a lot of fiber and add probiotics to your diet. Eat plenty of raw garlic, carrots, beets and pomegranates and take Vitamin C supplements if you don’t have stomach upset.

Practice good hygiene.
Prevent human intestinal parasites from invading your body again by ensuring you don’t come in contact with them. Wash your hands well, drink clean water, clean your surroundings regularly and cook food thoroughly to avoid eating raw fish or meat.

Protect yourself.
Wear shoes when you're outdoors and use gloves if you're working with soil. De-worm your pets regularly and try to keep them out of your house as much as possible. If you're out swimming in public pools or natural lakes and rivers, don't swallow the water. Don’t swim if you have open wounds or sores.

For more info about keeping your intestines clean and best colon cleansing programs, visit http://www.diethabit.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Greg_Kolber

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