The worms and other intestinal parasites which infest human beings are more common in tropical and subtropical areas. Most of these worms and parasites gain entry into the body either through the mouth or through the skin of the feet. Children are more prone to infection from these worms than adults.

The modern medical system prescribes drugs to kill the parasites. They may give temporary relief, but they are more likely to harm the digestive process and create other complications. Nature cure methods, on the other hand, aim at strengthening the intestine so as to purge the parasites.

The treatment for intestinal worms should begin with diet. The child-patient should be kept on exclusive diet of fresh fruits for two days or so. If possible, a small warm-water enema, mixed with the juice of half a fresh lime, may be administered daily during this period to cleanse the bowels. This would help expel mucus and threadworms from the intestine. Bed clothes of the patient must be exposed to sun everyday and he should stay in a well-ventilated room.

After spending two or three days on exclusive fresh fruit diet, the child may be allowed to take raw and boiled vegetables in addition to fruits. This diet may be continued for two or three days, after which he may be allowed to have porridge, or gruel. Thereafter, he may gradually embark upon a well-balanced light diet consisting mainly of fruits, vegetables, milk and wholemeal bread. The diet should exclude fatty foods such as butter, cream, and oil, refined foods and all flesh foods. This diet should be continued till the parasites are completely eliminated. Mud packs and cold compresses applied to lower part of the abdomen will help in the initial stages of the treatment.

Several home remedies have been found beneficial in the treatment of intestinal worms. Of these, the use of coconut is most effective. It is an ancient remedy for expelling all kinds of intestinal worms. A teaspoon of the freshly-ground coconut should be taken at breakfast. This should be allowed by a dose of 15 to 30 ml. of castor oil mixed in 125 to 175 ml. of lukewarm milk after three hours. The process may be repeated till the cure is complete.

Garlic has been used for expelling intestinal worms from ancient times. The juice of one or two garlic cloves, mixed in half a cup of fruit or vegetable juice, can be given. It will kill the parasites without harming the patient.

The carrot is valuable in the elimination of threadworms in children as it is offensive to all parasites. A small cup of grated carrot taken every morning, with no other food added to the meal, can clear these worms quickly.

The digestive enzyme papaia in the milky juice of the unripe papaya is a powerful anthelmintic for destroying roundworms. A teaspoon of fresh papaya juice and equal quantity of honey should be mixed with two tablespoons of hot water and given as dose to children in the age group of seven to 10 years.
This should be followed two hours later by a dose of castor oil as in case of ground coconut. This treatment should be repeated for two days, if necessary.

The child-patient should be given dry friction bath daily during the period of treatment to build-up general health. Older children should also be encouraged to take alternate hot and cold hip baths daily.

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Author's Sites: Herbal Remedies , Health Articles and Heartburn and Acid Reflux Cures


Okay, so here is one of the topics of cat care that no one likes to talk about, but still needs to be covered, internal parasites. There are many different types of internal parasites that could potentially cause medical problems in your cat, some of the more common being hookworms, roundworms, coccidiosis, toxoplasmosis, and tape worms.

Even if you have had your cat wormed, she could still get roundworms or hookworms. What is even worse, your cat can pass these parasites on to her kittens. These nasty little bugs can cause diarrhea or other types of symptoms in a kitten, but most of the time they leave no trace that a kitten is infested. If you have children in the home, these little kittens can pass these worms onto them, which is one reason why it is so important to have new kittens seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Your vet will likely send you home with a prescription worm medication for the mother cat and the kittens, just in case. Laboratory tests are not one hundred percent accurate in detecting this type of parasite, particularly in young kittens, so it is better to treat them all, just to be on the safe side.

Another silent internal parasite that often preys on tiny kittens is coccidian, which like to party in the kittens intestinal lining, often causing no noticeable symptoms at all, and luckily, no harm to the kitten or anyone else in the family. In some cases, your kitten may have diarrhea, but usually the vet will not prescribe any medication, and will let nature handle the problem.

Just about every woman who has even been pregnant before knows or has heard about cats and toxoplasmosis, as it can be extremely dangerous for anyone who comes into contact with infected litter, particularly a pregnant woman. Your cat can suffer from this deadly parasite at any age, and since it can also be passed to humans, it is extremely important that any pregnant woman avoid changing a litter box or coming in contact with cat litter boxes. These organisms can cause severe birth defects and other problems for an unborn child.

If at all possible, a pregnant woman who owns a house cat should have someone else empty and clean the cat litter box for her. If this is not possible, then extra care must be taken when the litter box must be changed and cleaned. Using disposable gloves to avoid skin contact with contaminated particles along with a dust mask to protect against inhaling airborne contaminants may reduce the risk; however it is well advised that a pregnant woman never change a litter box. Having your cat stay with a family member until after the baby is born is another way to help protect the unborn child.

Cats are exposed to toxoplasmosis when they eat any type of raw meat, whether it is from a rodent they have caught or from raw butcher scraps. These raw scraps could be from any type of meat, so it is best to avoid all table scraps for your kitty.

Your cat should be seen regularly by a veterinarian for health checkups. It should be noted however that you are the first line of defense for your beloved cat, and by reporting any changes in your cat’s behavior, you may catch an infestation before it becomes life threatening for your kitty.

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What is IBS Or Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Pinworm is the most common worm infection in the United States. School-age children, followed by preschoolers, have the highest rates of infection. In some groups nearly 50% of children are infected. Infection often occurs in more than one family member. Adults are less likely to have pinworm infection, except mothers of infected children. Child care centers, and other institutional settings often have cases of pinworm infection.

The pinworm lives in the lower part of the small intestine and the upper part of the colon. It is found worldwide, and causes the most common infection enterobiasis in humans. Unlike many other intestinal parasites, the pinworm does not usually enter the bloodstream or any other organs besides the intestines. Only in rare cases disoriented pinworms are found in the vagina, and even more rarely in the uterus, fallopian tubes, liver, and peritoneum, but the worms cannot survive long in these places.

The itching from the pinworms might wake you up in the middle of the night and make you squirm a lot. So if you're itchy and sore on your backside, tell your mom or dad. And if you see worms in your underwear or in the toilet, you should tell a parent right away. You should know, though, that some people with pinworms don't have any symptoms at all.

Causes of Pinworms

Pinworms are the most common worm infection in the United States, primarily affecting school-age children. Pinworm eggs are spread directly from person to person or by touching bedding, food, or other items contaminated with the eggs.

Typically, children are infected by unknowingly touching pinworm eggs and putting their fingers in their mouths. The eggs are swallowed, and eventually hatch in the small intestine. The worms mature in the colon. Female worms then move to the child's anal area, especially at night, and deposit more eggs. This may cause intense itching and the area may even become infected.

When a person scratches the itchy area, the microscopic eggs cling to fingers and are then transferred to other surfaces, such as food, liquids or other people. Pinworm eggs can survive for two to three weeks on these surfaces. A new infection starts when the eggs reach another person's mouth from these contaminated surfaces. You can also reinfect yourself by unknowingly swallowing the eggs again.

Infection can also be spread when a person inhales airborne eggs, but this is rare. On rare occasions, pinworm infection persists because eggs hatch outside the anus and the young worms crawl back inside the body.

Symptoms of Pinworms

The symptoms of pinworm infection are caused by the female pinworm laying her eggs. Indeed, most infected individuals have few or no symptoms but, if the infection is heavy, the symptoms can be correspondingly more severe

Symptoms include anal or vaginal itching and irritation, as well as possible irritability, fatigue, weight loss, behavior problems and night-waking/nightmares.

The most common symptom of pinworms is itching around the anus. It is worse at night when the female worm deposits her eggs on the person infected. This can lead to difficulty getting a good night's sleep.

In girls, pinworm infection can cause vaginal itching and irritation (vaginitis). In severe cases, weight loss, restlessness, irritability, and loss of appetite may occur. In a few rare cases, attacks of appendicitis may have been caused by pinworms blocking the appendix.

The itching is usually worse at night and is caused by worms migrating to the area around the rectum to lay their eggs. When a child scratches the itchy area, the result can be eczema or a bacterial infection around the rectum. In girls, pinworm infection can spread to the vagina and cause a vaginal discharge.

Mild pinworm infections — with only a small number of adult worms in your body — may cause no symptoms. Symptoms occur with moderate or heavy infections.

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How Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diagnosed?

Dog Worming

Posted by embrad | 12:52 AM | 0 comments »

Dog Worming.
Regular worming is essential to protect your dog against internal parasites. This involves giving it preparations in liquid or tablet form. Adult dogs should be wormed at least once a year, and at least once every six months if in contact with children. Dogs showing any signs of infection should be wormed immediately and all breeding bitches should be wormed prior to mating.


Several of these parasites affect dogs but the most important are the ones that belong to the Ascarid family, and live in the small intestine. Other roundworms infest the large intestine, blood vessels and respiratory tract.

Ascarids feed on digesting food in the dog's gut, and are particularly harmful to puppies. They penetrate a puppies gut wall and pass via the blood to the liver and then to the lungs. From there they crawl up the trachea to be coughed up and swallowed, again ending up in the gut. Infected puppies may develop :-

Hepatitis, pneumonia, fits, and obstruction to the gut, so regular treatment is vital.
As the puppy gets older most of the worms travel to the muscles, where they form cysts. These lie dormant until the puppy bitch becomes pregnant. They then migrate to the puppies lungs, and this is why virtually every puppy is born with roundworm, and must be wormed regularly.

How Roundworms Affect Humans.

These worms can infect humans, and in a very low number of cases, cause disease. Good hygiene and common sense concerning children and puppies should control the problem.


The tapeworm tickle the dog's anus and make the dog drag it's rear end along the floor. If you see any worm segments in your dog's faeces, treat it as soon as possible.
As a dog lover myself, I treat my own pets at least twice a year. Worming tablets can be bought cheaply at your local supermarket or petshop, so there's no excuse for not treating your own pet on a regular basis.

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Author and animal lover - John Moore...please use my link

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Parasite cleanse

Posted by embrad | 12:50 AM | 0 comments »

Are You Infected?

Symptoms of Parasite Infection

There are several symptoms that can be signs of parasite infection. However, many go unnoticed. A parasite’s survival is dependant on how well it can conceal itself. This makes parasite infection very difficult to diagnose. Though if you listen closely to you body and notice the subtle changes that take place you can spot a parasite infection before it causes serious damage.

Digestive Problems

Numerous digestive problems can arise from parasite infections. Intestinal parasites can cause several symptoms normally associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS. Diarrhea, constipations, gas, and bloating can all be caused by parasites and built up plaques. This sort of environment provides a breeding ground for parasites and and allows them to multiply and grow larger. This is why it is important to flush out parasites and the plaques from which they feed. Once the parasites have been removed you will be able to have normal, regular bowel movements and no longer experience the gas and bloating associated with a poorly functioning digestive system.

Weight Gain

Parasites rob our body of nutrients which can lead to decreased metabolism. Once metabolism is lowered we naturally burn fewer calories in a day. This means our body is storing more calories and gaining weight. Completing a parasite cleanse can restore your normal metabolism and make it easier to lose stubborn weight.

Low Energy Levels

Parasites leach off our energy supplies to live. They steal nutrients and can lower metabolism leaving us feeling tired and fatigued. If you’re noticing a general feeling of fatigue and having trouble explaining why then it may be due to a parasite infection.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Some cases of anemia have been attributed to parasite infection. Parasites stealing from our nutrient supplies can cause our bodies to experience deficiencies. If left unchecked they can leave our bodies weak and malnourished.

Poor Immune System Function

Parasites can even affect our immune system by decreasing our bodies’ production of antibodies. Usually these kinds of symptoms are excused as an abnormal flu season but they can often be due to parasites. Removing parasites can help you immune system function optimally and increase your ability to fight off infection and sickness.


Some allergies can be attributed to parasite infection. Parasites release toxins into our systems that circulate and cause changes and allergic reactions. Rashes and other skin problems can arise with no apparent explanation. Many people note having healthier skin after completing a parasite cleanse.

Unexplained Aches and Pains

Unexplained aches, pains, and swelling have also been linked to parasite infection. Parasites can enclose themselves within the synovial sac of a joint and cause pain. They can also trigger a swelling response form the immune system.

This Article is Originally Published here: parasite-symptoms

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Énuvia Internal Cleansing - Detoxification System.

Internal Cleansing - The best source for information on Internal Cleansing.

parasite-cleanse - Cleanse Your Body for Better Overall Health.

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Sudhani is a Search Engine Management expert and enjoys writing on various subjects. Learn more about his company and services at aniseo.

Anxiety Medication

Parasites in the Bowel

Posted by embrad | 12:48 AM | 0 comments »

The most common symptom of intestinal parasites is abdominal pain, which is usually accompanied by moderate or severe diarrhea. Those who suffer from an Inflammatory Bowel Disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome are at a higher risk of having intestinal parasites. Inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome sufferers have a chaotic intestinal system, an environment where parasites thrive. The effects from these intestinal parasites can have a wide range of acute and chronic effects. Intestinal parasite infections may include:

- Abdominal pain, may lead to cramps
- Autoimmune disease
- Fatigue
- Constipation
- Appetite loss
- Gastro and fever
- Diarrhea and bloody stools

Blastocystis hominis is the most common protozoal parasite. It can sometimes be missed along with dientamoeba fragilis that both go undetected due to poor laboratory techniques.

To read more on this topic please click on the following link.
This is a community web site that discusses all issues about irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. Support is given to those who are suffering and we hope that everyone will learn more about their illness and learn how to regain their life. Members gain access to a free monthly newsletter and message forum.


Did you know there are more than 100 different kinds of human intestinal parasites that are capable of surviving within the human body? As if that's not enough, these organisms are also present everywhere in the environment – air, water, ground, even the food that we eat. If you're having problems with human intestinal parasites, here are some things you should know about them:

There are different types of human intestinal parasites.
Human intestinal parasites belong to four main categories: Protozoa, Nematoda, Trematoda and Cestoda. To these categories belong about 3,200 different parasites, all capable of causing havoc in the human body.

You can get them.
Human intestinal parasites are so common they can actually invade our bodies at any time, through the water we drink and the food we eat. Sometimes, we get them through transmission – sexual intercourse, an insect bite, through inhalation or skin absorption.

You can be the ideal host.
If you don’t care for your health enough, your body can become the ideal environment for these intestinal parasites to live in.

If you have intestinal parasites, you'll usually have symptoms.
As small as they are, human intestinal parasites pack a wallop against human health. If left untreated, they could even have fatal results. They have been known to cause stomach upset, bloating and constipation.

They are also known to cause weight loss, fatigue, nervousness, skin rashes, rectal itching, vomiting, stomach pain and digestive disorders. Human intestinal parasites can also lead to bacterial infections and anemia, especially if intestinal hemorrhaging has occurred.

Getting rid of intestinal parasites in humans
If you have human intestinal parasites in your system, go to your doctor immediately. There are certain drugs that are designed to specifically work with certain parasites and your doctor has to know which intestinal parasite is causing your problems in order to get rid of it more effectively. For example, if you have roundworms, pinworms or hookworms, you could be treated with mebendazole. If you have giardiasis, metronidazole might be used instead. Get yourself diagnosed correctly for proper treatment.

Make sure to take the drug as prescribed. Depending on the severity of your case or on the intestinal parasite you have, you could be treated using a one-dose medication or a treatment that could last up to two or three weeks. Most drug treatments for human intestinal parasites are taken orally and are very effective.

Herbal remedies
There are all-natural herbal-based remedies that may be effective in getting rid of human intestinal parasites. While they can be effective in some cases, they usually take longer as a treatment option. Most experts say they are better as supplemental therapies. If you're using herbal remedies either to supplement vitamin and mineral loss, inform your doctor, especially if you're also taking anti-parasitic medications.

Keeping human intestinal parasites away
It's impossible to totally get rid of human intestinal parasites from your environment, but there are ways you can use to make sure you minimize your risk of ever encountering them again.

Keep healthy.
After a bout with human intestinal parasites, you might want to give your immune system a boost and replenish the nutrients that you lost. Eat a lot of fiber and add probiotics to your diet. Eat plenty of raw garlic, carrots, beets and pomegranates and take Vitamin C supplements if you don’t have stomach upset.

Practice good hygiene.
Prevent human intestinal parasites from invading your body again by ensuring you don’t come in contact with them. Wash your hands well, drink clean water, clean your surroundings regularly and cook food thoroughly to avoid eating raw fish or meat.

Protect yourself.
Wear shoes when you're outdoors and use gloves if you're working with soil. De-worm your pets regularly and try to keep them out of your house as much as possible. If you're out swimming in public pools or natural lakes and rivers, don't swallow the water. Don’t swim if you have open wounds or sores.

For more info about keeping your intestines clean and best colon cleansing programs, visit

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Weight Loss Pills

Get Detailed Information on Pinworms

Posted by embrad | 12:25 AM | 0 comments »

The pinworm, also known medically as Enterobius Vermicularis, is a 2-13 mm white nematode that lives as an adult in the colon,caecum (a portion of the large intestine) and/or the appendix of humans.

A pinworm infection is an intestinal infection caused by pinworms. The infection occurs after pinworm eggs are ingested. Pinworm infections are common in young children and are easily treated. In females, pinworm infection can spread to the vagina and cause a vaginal discharge. Pinworm infections are also called: seatworm infection, threadworm infection, enterobiasis, and oxyuriasis.

Pinworms are slender, white, threadlike worms about a third of an inch long that can infest the intestinal tract. Pinworm, the most common worm infection in the U.S., is a mild but annoying and disruptive childhood infection.

The best way to reduce the risk of spreading an infection is to avoid scratching the anal area, washing your hands thoroughly (especially after a bowel movement), and keeping your fingernails clean. The tendency to lapse in performing these practices explains why pinworm infection is much more common in young children than in adults.

Pinworm infection is a large intestine infection caused by a small, white worm called a pinworm, seatworm, or threadworm. The medical name for the pinworm is Enterobius vermicularis, also called a helminth. The pinworm is about the length of a staple. It lives for the most part within the rectum of humans. While an infected person is asleep, female pinworms leave the intestines through the anus and deposit eggs on the skin around the anus. Because pinworm infection is caused by Enterobius vermicularis, the infection is also called enterobiasis (or helminthiasis).

E vermicularis lives in the small intestines, primarily the ileocecal region. The gravid female migrates to the anus and deposits eggs in the perianal skin folds, usually at nighttime. The movement of the female and the ova cause intense local itching. Ova may survive for up to 3 weeks before hatching. The hatched larvae can then migrate back into the anus and lower intestine, causing retroinfection. Embryonated eggs may be released into the air or onto fomites (eg, bedding, clothing, toys, paper money) or onto hands and then placed directly into the mouth and swallowed (autoinfection), after which they settle in the small intestines.

Infestation with these parasites begins when pinworm eggs are swallowed and lodge in the intestine, where they hatch and mature. Two to six weeks later, the adult female worm exits down the digestive tract to the skin folds of the anal region, where she deposits her eggs in a sticky substance and then dies.

Enterobiasis is a infestation of the intestine with pinworms.It occurs especially in children. Adult pinworms live in the intestine and colon, and at night the female adult worms deposit their eggs outside the rectum or anal area.

The main treatment is a single dose of either mebendazole or albendazole (anti-parasitic medication), available over-the-counter and by prescription. More than one household member is likely to be infected, so the entire household is often treated. The single dose treatment is often repeated after 2 weeks, in order to treat eggs that hatched since the original treatment.

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Cold Sore Cure

Deworming Your Puppy

Posted by embrad | 12:19 AM | 0 comments »

Deworming your puppy is a critical part of his puppy care. 98% of all puppies are born with worms that they contracted before they were born from their mother.

There are many different species of worms which can affect your puppy’s growth and development. These worms are intestinal parasites, and contrary to popular belief, you probably won’t see them in the puppy’s stool unless they have a severe infestation.

The most common type of worm found in puppies are roundworms. Roundworms, as you might expect, are round, and a common description is spaghetti-like. These ascarids are very common in nature and can survive outside a host in a cyst stage for a long time. Grassy areas are common places to find any number of parasitic cysts.

Tapeworms are among the most difficult to get rid of. They are a flat, segmented worm.The head of the tapeworm burrows into the intestine wall and segments break off and are expelled with the feces. You may see wriggling rice-like segments in the stool or dry sawdust-like flakes stuck in the coat around the puppy’s anus. Each segment contains thousands of eggs and ingestion will cause a recurrent infestation.

Fleas are the vector for the tapeworm. They carry the tapeworm from one host to the next. When an animal bites a flea, the tapeworm finds it’s way to the digestive tract where it sets up camp. Tapeworms can be very difficult to get rid of. Dislodging the head can require multiple de-worming attempts. If you do not kill the worm at the source, it can and will regenerate from the head.

There are actually very few medications that work against tapeworms. Many of which can be very hard on the puppy. Whichever medication you choose, you should be sure to consult your veterinarian before you use it. Drontal is the best general de-wormer on the market today. It is a wide spectrum de-wormer and does get tapes, most do not. If your puppy definitely has tapes, it is a good idea to follow up with a species specific dewormer. That is, one that just gets tapes.

When de-worming your puppy, you need to repeat it at least twice, three times is better still. The procedure needs to be done at two week intervals. To follow the life-cycle of the parasite. Most eggs will hatch in that two weeks. The first medication kills anything that is its adult stage, the follow up treatments kill anything that has hatched in the mean time. You can see why it may be advisable to repeat it a third time, just in case any residual eggs had yet to hatch or, any remaining adults laid new eggs.

It is a good idea to follow the final worming with a microscopic fecal exam done at your vet’s office a couple weeks after the final de-worming. Just to make sure no eggs are present. Your vet will need a very fresh fecal sample. Usually no more than an hour old.

Intestinal parasites can cause many problems for the puppy. They can become malnourished, despite how much they eat. If they are always sharing their nutrition with their unwelcome companions they won’t grow well. They will be more susceptible to disease despite vaccines. They may have chronic diarrhea and vomiting and never reach their standard body weight or muscle mass.

Some species of intestinal parasites are transmissible to humans. Mainly children who have a less developed immune system and are more likely to be in the vicinity of the worms or eggs. Round worms especially can infect young children. Children inadvertently put their hands in their mouth or roll around in the grass with the puppy. It is possible, though less likely to contract other species of worms as well.

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What does it mean to cleanse your colon and why do people do it? Cleansing the colon is a process that is designed to rid your body of harmful parasites, waste build up, and bacteria in order to prevent toxicity and to restore maximum health and a clean colon. Even thought the colon is designed to function as a waste elimination organ, build up does occur. This is partly due to an unhealthy diet, which is often encouraged by advertising, easy accessibility, and busy lifestyles.

Eating a donut on the run every morning for breakfast and tossing fast food down for lunch is not the best way to encourage a healthy colon. Nor is it the best way to provide necessary fuel or energy for the body. Plus, it certainly is not the best way to lose weight. A colon cleanse is designed to rid the body of unwanted parasites and bacteria in order to restore the colon back to maximum efficiency. If you have a healthy colon, your body will absorb the essential nutrients it needs to keep functioning properly. A healthy colon is essential to a healthy life.

Don't think that you have to sit back and put up with constipation, bloating, severe gas, or diarrhea just because you are getting older and your body is too. When your body starts to show signs of wear and tear, you attempt to fix it. For dry skin and calluses, daily treatments of lotion do the trick. For split ends, a haircut does the trick. For less than perfect eyesight, laser surgery or corrective lenses or contacts are available. Likewise, stomach ailments, a poor immune system, lack of energy, and weight problems can all acquire a boost in the right direction with a simple, FDA registered colon cleansing treatment.

The Health Cleanz Colon Cleansing System is designed to cleanse the colon simply and non-invasively. As it eliminates unwanted build up of toxins, a healthy colon is restored and life can get back on the right track. Chronic fatigue, weight gain, hemorrhoids, and other stomach or intestinal ailments should dissipate once the colon is healthy. It is important to drink plenty of water and to maintain a healthy diet in order to avoid constipation and problems in the future as well as to maintain your colon in a healthy state.

Colon cleansing is not necessary when the colon is working properly. If your bowel movements are regular and no other problems exist, then your colon is probably working at an optimal level. However, if you are having trouble with your colon such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome,) diarrhea, or constipation, then your colon might benefit from a thorough cleansing. Additionally, an unhealthy colon might cause some problems relating to the hair and skin. Headache, fatigue, or loss of energy and desire are sometimes related to an unhealthy colon as well.

Therefore, it is important to maintain a clean colon in order to restore one's health to the level it was intended to function at. In addition to regular bowel movements and a reduction in stomach problems, some weight loss might occur as well. Start your life fresh with a colon cleansing that eliminates parasites, bacteria, and waste build up. A healthy colon is a happy colon.

About the Author

The HealthCleanz device is the first FDA registered wholebody cleansing detox system that can be used at home and without a prescription to seriously aid weight loss. 7 years of planning, development, and improving this truly unique temperature controlled and filtered cleansing system has delivered a device that is simple to use and highly effective.


Natural Way To Get Rid Of Parasites

Posted by embrad | 4:10 AM | 0 comments »

Parasites do not belong to bacteria or virus. They are live and quite bigger than bacteria or virus. However, parasites and worms can bring you a big health problem. Such parasites occur generally during the summer months and can affect various human organs such as stomach, colons, liver, kidney, bloods and in some bad case, even the brain. Parasites rest inside those organs and feed themselves with the food you eat or the blood you have. They initially may not produce any symptoms but later on, they can suck up your energy levels and can make organs weaker and luckily, there is a natural way to get rid of parasites in every folk medical science.

Parasites - threats to internal organs

Human parasite and worm is nowadays, upcoming health ailment in all societies. Parasites' infestation could be primarily due to many diseases, illness and infections. Intestinal parasites can be cleansed off in very effective manner with the help of some natural therapies. Parasites, especially intestinal parasites are generally caused by two main types namely; protozoa or helminths.

Common symptoms of parasite infestation include diarrhea, flatulance or bloating, vomiting or nausea, abdominal pain, disturbed digestion and fatigue or weakness. In children, significant weight loss without any other symptoms indicates worms or parasites' infestation. They also produce typical symptoms such as itching around anus, redness around anus, polyphagia (over eating, excess hunger) etc.

Natural way to get rid of parasites

Colon cleansing is the most effective treatment for intestinal cleansing that can get all the parasites out of the body. Generally such cleansing includes the use of a high fiber or roughage diet and supplements like Psyllium husks, citrus pectin, garlic, pumpkin (preferably seeds), ripe papaya's extract, activated charcoal, roots of the beets and/or linseeds. However, there is no clinical data or laboratory researches favoring these all as anti-parasite treatment but they are very effective since they are still prescribed in alternative medicines.

Garlic and ginger have been found very effective in Ascaris (roundworm), Giardia lamblia, Plasmodium, and Leishmania infestations. One can go for any formula containing garlic or can eat raw garlic pods. Another colon cleansing herb includes goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis). The herb has been prescribed historically for worms' infestations and also to cure infections of the mucous membranes present in various human tracts such as respiratory, gastrointestinal etc. Black walnut is another safe and effective remedy for cleansing the colon and to treat parasites. Black walnut's unripe hulls' juice is used to treat various parasites. As said before, pumpkin seeds (Curcubita pepo) are considered to be very beneficial in treating tapeworms and roundworms.

Some of the folk medicinal science such as Ayurveda believes that Neem is the best herb for treating worms or parasites in any herbal science. Simple decoction of the Neem leaves taken early in the morning for about 15-30 days can kill all the parasites present in the intestines. This is because Neem contains some volatile substances that are good for human intestines but poisonous to the parasites.

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Please visit Colon Cleansing website for more information

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Did you know that we can catch our pets' parasites? (worms) Yup, we can. Yuck. De-worming our cats and dogs and making sure they stay "clean" is very important to them and to us. I'll explain about the different kinds of internal parasites our "Best Friends" can get and how they get them. I'll talk about some different drugs to cure the infestation. But your veterinarian may have a different treatment he/she likes to use so go with what your vet recommends.

Every new puppy or kitten should be checked for intestinal parasites. Every new dog or cat you adopt should also be checked. This is very simple to do. Just take a sample into your vet and let them check for eggs. Even if you see the worm in the feces (poop) you should still have the stool (poop) checked because there could be multiple kinds of worms present and some do require a different drug than another to rid the system.

Just take about a teaspoon full to the vets office. I see every day these big piles of stinky poop come in and let me tell you its not much fun to have to handle this stuff. The more the stinkier. Talk about yuck. Anyway, the sample should be as fresh as possible. Less than 24 hours old. If you need to keep it a few hours before you can take it in you should put in in the refrigerator. Do not freeze the sample. You can put it in a plastic sandwich bag, pill bottle, jar or what ever you come up with. The container should be clean though. And please always wash your hands with soap and water. You sure don't want to get these things.

Normally a technician at the clinic will run the sample and check it for eggs. (This part is very cool. I really like using the microscope.) Eggs can not be seen with the naked eye like some worms can. A microscope must be used. If eggs are found the technician will determine what ones they are and you will be notified as to what your pet has and given the appropriate drugs to give. Once you have establish an account with that pet and the doctor has seen it, in most cases at least once a year you should be able to just drop off the sample for them to read. The animal shouldn't have to be present. But keep in mind that each office may be different so check with them to make sure this is OK for you to do.

General guidelines for canines


Treat every 2 weeks between 2 weeks and 3 months of age.

Once a month from 3 to 6 months of age.

Four times a year after 6 months of age.


Treat regularly (considering potential exposure to parasites)

Continued monitoring of parasite prevalence in your area is recommended.

Pregnant and Lactating Dogs.

Treat concurrently with puppies.

Newly Acquired Puppies or Dogs

Treat immediately, then repeat after 2 weeks and follow guidelines for puppies and adults.

General guidelines for felines


Treat every 2 weeks between 3 and 9 weeks of age, then once a month until 6 months of age.

Repeat treatment at recommended intervals.


Treat regularly (consider potential exposure to parasites.

Continued monitoring of parasite prevalence in your area is recommended.

Pregnant and Lactating Cats

Treat concurrently with kittens.

Newly Acquired Kittens and Cats

Treat immediately, then repeat after 2 weeks and follow guidelines for kittens and adults.

Some risks and signs to look for. If your pet should acquire some parasites you should know what some of the signs are and the risk involved. There could be blood loss, malnutrition, diarrhea perhaps bloody, dehydration, weight loss and yes, even death. The animal could have dry hair and a general appearance of poor health. Many times you wont even notice the infestation until it has really taken hold. It is possible for the worm eggs or larvae to lay dormant in the animals body and become active in times of stress or perhaps pregnancy. The puppies or kittens will then be born with the parasites. Parasite eggs are shed by the animal and others in the household animals or humans can catch them. Accidental ingestion of the eggs is all it takes. Most intestinal parasites multiply very very fast. A single egg can become a fast growing problem.

Be safe. Some safeguards for you and your pets. Always wash your hands after handling feces even after handling your pet. Have a fecal screening done by your veterinarian twice a year. Some pets will require more depending on the pets lifestyle and risk factors. Your vet will help you with this. Pick up the animals waste in the yard at least 2-3 times a week. If you could do this every day that would be best. Wash your fruits and vegetables before eating them. You'd be surprised what could be on these. Keep your pet flea free. Ingestion of infected fleas cause tapeworms in both animals and people. Keep the kids from going barefoot or sitting/laying on the ground ware the animals may have gone potty. Clean cat litter boxes daily and wash your hands. Avoid kissing your pet or letting it lick your face. Even licking your hands can put you in danger of contacting worms as you then put your hand up to your face and by your mouth and presto, in goes an egg. That's it. You now have worms at least one kind and that's one kind to many for me. Don't let me scare you. It's really not quite that simple, but possible. Most zoonotic parasites are transmitted from a contaminated environment, not from normal contact with your pet.

Intestinal Parasites. A description and cure.


These intestinal parasites can cause damage to internal organs, Pneumonia and blindness. There is a large number of puppies and kittens born with roundworms. This could be deadly if left untreated. The puppies could have larvae in their tissues. If the mother had roundworms the baby's have them. Even if the birth took place before the mother was infected with roundworms she can pass them off to her young in her milk. The larvae make their way to the intestinal tract ware they then live and lay eggs. The eggs the adult worms pass in the stool now re-infest the same puppy or kitten or other dogs and cats if the stool with eggs in it are ingested. The eggs hatch and the larvae migrate to the lungs. If the mother has larvae that is dormant it can activate during the last stages of pregnancy and infest her babies. Worming the mother at this time has no effect on the larvae in the body tissues and does not prevent the worms from infecting the newborn. Almost all wormer's work only on the adult parasite in the intestinal tract only. Puppies or kittens with roundworms often have a pot-bellied stomach. You may see some worms in the vomit or stool. A roundworm can reach a length of 5 inches. A liquid drug called Pyrantel is easy to use, taste good to most pets and works well for roundworms. There are other drugs out that work well also. Signs of roundworms: Diarrhea, Vomiting, Loss of appetite, Weakness, Weight loss, Difficulty breathing, Dull scruffy coat, Swollen abdomen (pot belly), Adult worms visible in feces.


This intestinal parasite can cause red, itchy skin rashes (commonly referred to as "creeping eruption"), severe stomachaches and nausea. The hook worm is a small thin worm that attaches its self to the walls of the intestine and sucks blood. Pets can get hookworms from contact with the larvae in the stool or contaminated soil. From ingesting the eggs after birth and nursing on an infected mother can also transfer hookworms. Hookworms infestation can kill a puppy. Often times making it severely anemic from the loss of blood from the hookworms meal. Often the signs of hookworm infestation would be dark or bloody diarrhea, weight loss, anemia pale gums and progressive weakness. Once again as with rounds the liquid Pyrantel would be good for hooks but there are other drugs on the market that will work well.


Dogs are seen with whipworms more often than cats but cats are still susceptible. Adult whipworms are seldom seen in the stool. But if you do see them they look like tiny pieces of thread with one end enlarged. Whipworms live in the "cecum". That's the first section of the animals large intestine. The whipworm sheds few eggs so it is difficult to diagnose even under the microscope if no eggs have been shed. If your pet has presented weight loss and passes stool that seems to have covering of mucous especially the last portion of the stool, lives in a kennel environment or an area ware whips are prevalent it may be whipworms. Your veterinarian my prescribe medication based on the circumstantial evidence. Two good medications for whips would be Drontal or Panacur.


Both dogs and cats get infested with tapes by ingesting fleas. Our pets eat wildlife or rodents infested with tapeworms or fleas and then become infected. You will rarely see the entire worm only segments of the worm. They are normally found in the feces or hair around the tail of the animal. The entire worm can be quite long, 4 to 6 inches with up to 90 segments. Ask your veterinarian if they have one in a jar if you want to see the whole worm. It's really quite interesting. Anyway the part you would be most likely to see is just a segment and looks very similar to a grain of rice. The segments contain the eggs. Tapeworms cannot be eradicated by the typical over the counter wormer's. Get the good stuff from your veterinarian. Drontal is a great medication. Panacur works for one of the two kinds of tapeworms. Hum, wonder which one my pet could have.


This is a single celled organisms. Giardia is commonly found in the intestines of animals. This parasite clings to the surface of the intestine or floats in the mucous lining of the intestine. Some times when are pet carry giardia they do not show any signs of disease. The signs that giardia are present: diarrhea, bloody or mucousy stool and many time bad gas will be apparent. Some other signs are weight loss, listlessness poor appetite. Some low grade giardia infestations may flare up if the animal has health issues or stressed nutritionally.

Giardia occur in two forms. One being the swimming form, feeding stage that live in the intestine. The other being a cyst stage that is passed in the stool. The cyst can live outside of the host for a long time as long as there is enough moisture. Animals ingest the cysts thus becoming infected. Giardia reproduce by cell division.

Animals pass on giardia through ingesting cysts from contaminated feed or drinking water. These giardia cyst are found in streams and other water sources.

Humans can also get giardia. Studies are still being done on whether our pets can transmit this to us. For the meantime we should assume it is possible and take precaution.

Detection of giardia can be tricky as the cysts are only passed periodically. Several fecal examinations may be necessary to diagnoses this parasite. It is a good idea to to at least 3 fecal exams in a seven to ten day period.

To treat giardia there are typically two drugs recommended. Metronidazole or quinacrine.


These are single celled organisms that infect the intestine. They can be detected on a routine fecal exam. Coccidia are not worms and they are not visible to the naked eye. This infection causes a watery diarrhea which can be sometime bloody and can be a life threatening problem especially to young or small pets due to fluid loss and dehydration.

Coccidia are passed in the stool. Our pets ingest them and thus become infected. Coccidia is found in fecal contaminated ground. They are swallowed when your pet grooms and licks itself. Mice can also consume coccidia so when our pets eat a mouse they can become infected. Animals that our housed in groups such as shelters, rescue areas, kennels, etc are common in having coccidia. If your pet has diarrhea it is a good idea to have a fecal ran. Keep in mind though small numbers of coccidia can be hard to detect. For this reason the fecal test could come back negative. This does not mean that the pet is not infected. Several fecal test may be necessary. There isn't any medicine that will kill coccidia. Only the patients immune system can do that. We can however give medications called "coccidiostats" which inhibit coccidial reproduction. Once the coccidia stop expanding it is then easier for the pets immune system to do the rest and wipe out the infection. If the animal is highly infected it will take longer to clear up than a light infection. Typically it should take one or two weeks for medication to clear this up. Keep the animal on the medicine until the diarrhea has stopped plus a extra couple of days. A bad case could take up to a month to treat.

Albon is one medication that treats coccidia. The use of sulfa drugs in pregnant animals can cause birth defects. False positive test results for urine glucose can also arise.

Some statistics.

Just some trivia you might be interested in. Quoted from Bayer Health care LLC. Animal Division.

One female roundworm can lay up to 1000,000 eggs in a day. A hookworm up to 20,000 eggs per day. Wow. That's some massive egg laying. You can't see them though without a microscope.

In just one week, two puppies infected with roundworms can shed more than 20 million eggs and contaminate a 2,800 square foot backyard.

Certain kinds of parasite eggs can survive in the soil for years.

A nationwide study revealed more than 1 out of 3 untreated dogs were infected by roundworms and/or hookworms and /or whipworms.

Almost all puppies less than 3 months old are infected with roundworms.

In a survey of veterinarians who treated cats, 43% of respondents reported seeing tapeworms frequently to often and 26% reported the same for roundworm infections.

For More Great Articles: Information Pet Planet USA

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Intestinal Worm Control In Pets

Posted by embrad | 4:08 AM | 0 comments »

Domestic animals and pets such as dogs and cats are known to get infected by a variety of intestinal parasites. Among these, worms such as helminthes and nematodes present the toughest challenge. Most important intestinal worms infesting these animals include roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms.

These insects are transmitted to animal by means of different carrier agents such as fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. However, transmission can also occur accidentally when the pet has eaten something in the grass. Transmission can occur even when the pet is just playing in the garden since some of these worms have the ability to penetrate skin.

Infection of an intestinal worms results in severe damage to the gastro-intestinal lining resulting in symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, anemia, weight loss and loss of appetite. The most common procedure for diagnosing the presence of intestinal worms is through careful examination of feces. Two types of examinations are done to identify intestinal parasites. These include microscopic examination of feces sample and feces float test.

Most of the times, these worms reside in the intestinal cavity of the host. However, there are certain worms that can invade to other important organs such as lungs and heart resulting in fatal death. It is important to get the intestine cleared off these parasites before they can cause a significant damage to the intestinal system. There are certain effective preventative treatments available that can remove these parasites from the intestine. Worming of the pet is important for its health. Worming frequency depends on the age of the pet and its habitat. Apart from this, dogs and cats must be given treatment for removing fleas and ticks. If the dog uses the garden as a toilet, it is important to clean up the feces and bury them.

Check Out More Articles:

Flea Tick And Heartworm Preventive, 10 Best Dog Food, Find Dog Training Obedience School & Services

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Pet medicines

Infections with human intestinal parasites represent one of the most common health problems of our days, and they are usually accompanied by symptoms such as anemia, constipation, bloating, digestive disorders and skin rashes. Many people completely refuse to take the issue seriously, not wanting to believe they suffer from such an uncomfortable and embarrassing health condition. However, there is little to be ashamed of, since we are all exposed to the parasite organism by means of the air, the food and the drinks we come into contact with. Besides the use of powerful anti-parasite drugs that are usually prescribed for the matter, there are natural ways to prevent or deal with worm infections, particularly since we are talking about long-term interventions.

There are specific herbs Mother Nature has in stock for us that create a completely unfriendly environment for intestinal parasites. Savory is one unique herb used for centuries as a spice, and cure for intestinal problems. Besides its anti-bacterial and carminative properties, it stimulates digestion and creates an unfriendly environment for intestinal worms. It is best used as tea or essential oil; the latter has a higher content of active substances and effects appear in a shorter period of time. Savory oil works best in combination with pumpkin seed oily extract, another great remedy that eliminates intestinal worms. You can have raw – not fried – pumpkin seeds, or use supplements based on pumpkin oil.

Pumpkin seed oil can be used to get rid of intestinal parasites without any side effects at all; there is no restriction of administration for children or women. Though it should be taken for at least a fortnight, results are almost immediate. One or two hours after taking the pumpkin seed oil, take some castor oil or a laxative to increase bowel movement and start eliminating the parasites. The active substances have a paralyzing effect on the worms, they are not actually killed; therefore, it is good to follow the pumpkin seed oil with some powerful laxatives. You can mash 400 grams of pumpkin seeds and mix them with milk and honey until the composition reaches a puree consistency. Have it on empty stomach in the morning and follow it with castor oil a couple of hours later.

For more information on natural remedies and homeopathic cures, please subscribe to the silver bulletin e-news magazine HERE.


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Okay, so here is one of the topics of cat care that no one likes to talk about, but still needs to be covered, internal parasites. There are many different types of internal parasites that could potentially cause medical problems in your cat, some of the more common being hookworms, roundworms, coccidiosis, toxoplasmosis, and tape worms.

Even if you have had your cat wormed, she could still get roundworms or hookworms. What is even worse, your cat can pass these parasites on to her kittens. These nasty little bugs can cause diarrhea or other types of symptoms in a kitten, but most of the time they leave no trace that a kitten is infested. If you have children in the home, these little kittens can pass these worms onto them, which is one reason why it is so important to have new kittens seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Your vet will likely send you home with a prescription worm medication for the mother cat and the kittens, just in case. Laboratory tests are not one hundred percent accurate in detecting this type of parasite, particularly in young kittens, so it is better to treat them all, just to be on the safe side.

Another silent internal parasite that often preys on tiny kittens is coccidian, which like to party in the kittens intestinal lining, often causing no noticeable symptoms at all, and luckily, no harm to the kitten or anyone else in the family. In some cases, your kitten may have diarrhea, but usually the vet will not prescribe any medication, and will let nature handle the problem.

Just about every woman who has even been pregnant before knows or has heard about cats and toxoplasmosis, as it can be extremely dangerous for anyone who comes into contact with infected litter, particularly a pregnant woman. Your cat can suffer from this deadly parasite at any age, and since it can also be passed to humans, it is extremely important that any pregnant woman avoid changing a litter box or coming in contact with cat litter boxes. These organisms can cause severe birth defects and other problems for an unborn child.

If at all possible, a pregnant woman who owns a house cat should have someone else empty and clean the cat litter box for her. If this is not possible, then extra care must be taken when the litter box must be changed and cleaned. Using disposable gloves to avoid skin contact with contaminated particles along with a dust mask to protect against inhaling airborne contaminants may reduce the risk; however it is well advised that a pregnant woman never change a litter box. Having your cat stay with a family member until after the baby is born is another way to help protect the unborn child.

Cats are exposed to toxoplasmosis when they eat any type of raw meat, whether it is from a rodent they have caught or from raw butcher scraps. These raw scraps could be from any type of meat, so it is best to avoid all table scraps for your kitty.

Your cat should be seen regularly by a veterinarian for health checkups. It should be noted however that you are the first line of defense for your beloved cat, and by reporting any changes in your cat’s behavior, you may catch an infestation before it becomes life threatening for your kitty.

For more information about your cats health and information on how to remove intestinal parasites please visit

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Over 2/3 of the North American Population may be infected with an intestinal parasite(s) at some point in life time. Unfortunately most people may never know if they are infected or not because the symptoms often mimic other similar health conditions. Parasite symptoms may show up weeks, months and even years after the initial infection.

If you are infected with Parasites you may experience the symptoms below;

General symptoms may include;

  • Allergies
  • Anemia
  • Bloating
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Immune Dysfunction
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Joint and muscle aches
  • Skin Conditions
  • Nervousness
  • Sleep disorders
  • Teeth grinding
  • Tumors
  • And many other health conditions that may have not been diagnosed

Although these symptoms may be the cause of something else, it's important to not overlook the possibility that you may be infected by parasites. Most people don't realize that these symptoms can be caused by a parasite infection, and often get treatment for other non related issues. This can be very frustrating, especially if you have been to many doctors to rid yourself of the above symptoms. Most doctors treat the symptom on an individual basis and not the cause; in this case the cause may be a parasite infection. Who's to blame at this point? It's really up to us to research and take control of our health and do what ever we can to educate ourselves.

Lets see if you are infected by parasites just by asking a few simple "yes", or "no" questions. Well how do you know if you are infected? It's simple! Have you ever eaten in a fast food restaurant? Have you ever eaten sushi? Have you ever eaten meat in general? If you answered "Yes" to even one question you may be infected with parasites.

Well now that you know you might have parasites how do you get rid of them?

You can go the medical route and get drugs prescribed, or you can try alternative methods; such as herbs and certain fibers.

If you think you might have an intestinal parasite infection in your body, but you are still skeptical. This video shows "PROOF" that parasites do indeed exist WARNING; this video may offend some viewers.

Learn more about how to get rid of parasites in my 3 Part Mini Course

Dean Boukaras is a person who has dedicated his life to educating and helping as many individuals as possible reach their absolute physical best. He truly wants to impact one person at a time by spreading the health and fitness truth through


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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment